Be Your Own Best Advocate
VP of Brand Marketing & Communications at AvidXchange, the industry leader in automating invoices and payments for mid-market businesses.
This is the first in a three-part series on the most common topics I’ve discussed in skip-level 1:1s with my team.
Like many leaders, I do skip-level 1:1s with my marketing team to stay engaged with the team and ensure that I’m making myself available to them. I come with no agenda and tell them that the time is theirs to take advantage of. One of the most frequently discussed topics in these meetings is career development. And I think that’s fantastic. I want people on my team focused on and interested in developing their careers.
If they’re inquisitive about career development, it means they’re going to take the time to invest in themselves. And, selfishly for me, they’re likely to always show up and bring their best work to the table since they’re striving to get ahead.
It’s critical for people to advocate for themselves. As the old saying goes, you may not own your job, but you certainly own your career. So, in order to be your own best advocate, here are five tips for developing your career that hold water no matter what level you are at.
1. Have a plan. Know where you want to be five years from now. It’s ok if it changes along the way, but when you know what your end goal is, you can find opportunities to get there. For example, you might know you want to shift from a general brand role to focus on sports marketing. When the opportunity comes up to develop a proposal for a new sports sponsorship, raise your hand to take part in the project. Or if you want to move from internal communications to content strategy, take the time to complete a content strategy course so that when a content role opens up, you’ve built your skills up in that area.
2. Be self-aware. Know your blind spots and work on them every day. Everyone else can likely see them, and in order to get better, you need to tackle them head-on. At the same time, be aware of what you’re good at and where you can stretch. It’s great to raise your hand for new opportunities (and you should!), but be aware of what it’s going to take and what you’ll need to work on to be successful in the role. I’m not going to lie — when I first think about my blind spots, my initial reaction is, “What blind spots?” But that’s the point. I push myself hard, I ask for feedback and then I accept it and address it.
3. Embrace the lateral move. Well-rounded marketers are the best kind of marketers, in my opinion. If you’re a marketing operations expert, take a turn in a brand role for a year. If you’re running media relations, try a stint in internal communications. The more well-rounded you are with experiences across the marketing spectrum, the more likely you are to reach leadership roles where you’re managing multiple marketing functions. During my time at Mastercard, I moved from a public relations (PR) role focused on our technology portfolio to a corporate PR role, which eventually opened up the opportunity for me to work on our IPO. If I didn’t make that initial leap, I would have missed out on a fantastic opportunity.
4. Raise your hand. When lateral moves aren’t available, raising your hand to take on a special project is a great opportunity to flex your marketing muscles in other areas and work with people who you typically wouldn’t. The reality is that people who are willing to go the extra mile and put in more work to make a contribution are more likely to be recognized, and recognition, for better or worse, matters in career development. Early in my career, I was always the first to raise my hand for a special project. I know now that it’s because I love a good challenge. The messier the problem is, the more I like to dig in and solve it. What happened over time was that I proved myself as someone who could be counted on, and when bigger roles opened up, I was given the opportunity to apply for them because I had proven myself.
5. Network. Let me say that louder for the back of the room! Network. Career development is often a function of finding the right opportunity, and building a network of people who are willing to invest in your development and advocate for you is critical. Whether it’s an internal network in your current role or an external network curated over time, it’s well worth the time investment. I have yet to find a job throughout my entire career that hasn’t leveraged networking in one way or another. Let me be clear, too: I didn’t come from a family with parents who paved a professional path for me. (And if you have that opportunity, good for you: use it.) My mom was a teacher and my dad was a local builder, but I used what I had and worked it from there. One more piece of advice on networking: before you ask anything of someone else, make sure you’ve stayed in touch, cultivated that relationship and offered to help them, too.
Career development is rarely a straight line. There are many zigs and zags, but if you embrace the opportunities at every corner to develop new skills and meet new people and stay focused on working hard, you can stay one step ahead.
Forbes Communications Council is an invitation-only community for executives in successful public relations, media strategy, creative and advertising agencies. Do I qualify?