‘Fund My Future’ Grant Opportunities Available for Career Advancement

Workforce Development
On Sep 24, 2024
The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJDOL) today announced the release of a Notice of Grant Opportunity (NGO) to provide funds to organizations that can offer career coaching and services to New Jerseyans aspiring to reach their career goals.
The grant funding is part of “Fund My Future” (FMF), a transformative pilot program that helps qualified New Jersey residents achieve life-changing career goals by providing financial assistance for upskilling and education. Selected organizations will work with program participants to develop Individual Employment Plans (IEPs) tailored to specific career development needs. Participants will be partnered with a professional career counselor who can help navigate the evolving job market.
“This grant creates valuable opportunities for underserved New Jersey residents,” said Gov. Phil Murphy. “It will ensure that our residents can overcome barriers to meaningful employment and help make New Jersey’s economy fairer for everyone.”
Grant applicants can include non-profit and for-profit entities, government agencies, or higher education institutions. Grantees must work with residents whose household incomes are below ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) guidelines. Awarded grantees will receive funding contingent upon meeting the grant’s performance metrics and expenditures.
“Fund My Future allows us to help New Jersey workers who are struggling to stay competitive develop marketable skills today that will grow into their careers of tomorrow,” said Labor Commissioner Robert Asaro-Angelo. “This initiative will serve as a launch pad for individuals who want to take the leap to redefine themselves in the workforce to change the trajectory of their profession and lives.”
FMF is designed to facilitate financial support to participants by having grantees pay service providers directly. Participants may use FMF funds for job training, supportive services and other expenses that assist in the search for meaningful employment.
The Fund My Future program stemmed from Governor Murphy’s Future of Work Task Force recommendations. The program was built on the idea of empowering participants to drive their own career development by helping them secure the supportive services they need to find training and a pathway to sustainable employment.
For more information about Fund My Future and application details, please visit Department of Labor and Workforce Development | Grant Opportunities (nj.gov) or contact [email protected].
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