BMH and USC-Beaufort open health care Career Development Center

BMH and USC-Beaufort open health care Career Development Center
BMH and USC-Beaufort open health care Career Development Center

Beaufort Memorial (BMH) opened a state-of-the-art Career Development Center July 22. The 6,340 square-foot facility, built in partnership with University of South Carolina Beaufort (USCB), Beaufort County, the City of Beaufort and Beaufort Memorial Foundation, will provide hands on training and classroom education for current and future health care professionals.  

The center is projected to nearly double the number of nurses able to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing through USCB’s program each year from 42 students to 72. It will also provide professional development, education and certification testing for mid-career and aspiring health care professionals through BMH’s People Achieving their Highest (PATH) program.

The state-of-the-art facility includes two large classrooms and four clinical simulation labs. The simulation labs provide students with immersive learning experiences guided by trained practitioners. They consist of exact replicas of hospital rooms with life-like, interactive patient “manikins” and real medical equipment, allowing learners to develop expertise in an array of situations using the same tools and equipment they’ll have when caring for patients at BMH.
